4 Quotes & Sayings By Christian Rudder

Christian Rudder co-founded OkCupid, a dating website which has had a significant impact on online dating. He is the author of the book Dataclysm: Who We Are (When We Think No One’s Looking), which is a definitive guide to how our digital footprints shape our identities. He lives in New York City with his wife and two children.

There will be more words written on Twitter in the next two years than contained in all books ever printed. Christian Rudder
An unintentionally hilarious 84 percent of users answer this match question… Would you consider dating someone who has a vocalized a strong negative bias toward a certain race of people? In the absolute negative (choosing “No” over “Yes” and “It Depends”. In light of the previous data, that means 84 percent of people on OKCupid would not consider dating someone on OKCupid. Christian Rudder
On the corporate side, the upshot of our data (the benefit to us) isn't all that interesting unless you're an economist. In theory, your data means ads are better targeted, which means less marketing spend is wasted, which means lower prices. At the very least, the data they sell means you get to use genuinely useful services like Facebook and Google without paying money for them. Christian Rudder